Fibre Optics

Corporate Communications

Whether your company is public or private, a unified and consistent corporate image needs to be conceived, developed, cultivated and implemented across the company.

Le Link offers a wide range of corporate communications services:

Investor relations: We can develop your investor’s relations web site, write your Annual Report, Quarterly Reports and your company’s investors’ profile, organize your AGM of the shareholders and coordinate road shows to potential investors.

Public relations: We can develop your corporate identity, produce media materials, write press releases, magazine articles, coordinate corporate events such as product launches, press conferences.

Internal communications: Le Link can develop an internal communications integration plan for postmerger companies, employee newsletter, intranet and message board, organize staff events and conferences.

Marketing communications: We can develop content and design artwork for corporate brochures, datasheets, logo design, advertising, product name search, develop slogans and organize trade shows.
